by v8.1m


Universidad de Hamburgo
Hamburgo Alemania

8.) Ortopedia Maxilar Aparatología Removible: Activadores/ Placas Activas

The types of removable appliances and how they work. The advantages of removables devices as opposed to fixed mechanics. The indication of the removable appliances and their limitations. Construction of the active plates and commonly made mistakes in construction and the handling of the plates. Cases.

The biological aspects: Nowayday we know about the advantages effects we obtain due to the intermittent forces exerted by the removable appliances. Because the applied force is intermittent we can use considerable force in the teeth without hurting the desmodont.
The blood flow in the desmodont will not b attoped completely during treatment, as it could happen easily when we use a fixed appliance in combination with too much force. At the worst the plate will be able to impede the blood flow during the time it is worn. This allows for enough vascularisation to avoid damage to the desmodont, necrosis to the teeth supporting structures, or root resorption. For this reason it is not as dangerous to work with those intermittent forces.

The activator. The principles of functional therapy and how it works. The indicator of activator treatment and its limitations. Presuppositions for the activator treatment. Taking the construction bite in relation to facial growth and desired treatment goal. The construction of the activator under consideration of the muscular forces deployed preliminary treatment and overall treatment goal. Commonly made mistakes in the construction of the activator and other causes for failure. Cases.

The fundamental idea of functional orthopedics was based on the findings of A. Roux, at the turn of the century, who found out that seizable morphological changes of tissue and organs may occur due to changes in their demand. As for example the building up of muscle tissue while body building, or the decrease of muscle tissue when the muscle is put out of action. The same is true for morphological changes that may occur tot he bone structure as well as for the inner organs. The first description of the activator don by Andersen, a Norwegian orthodontist, some 65 years ago, revolutionized the treatment of faulty tooth and denture positioning.

Conferencia dictada: II Reunión de Ortopedia Dentofacial, 27-30 nov. 1997, Guanajuato, México.

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